Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Twilight:the book

Despite it's uneventful, bland writing(grammatically), I CANNOT put it down. It is so addictive. It's the first book I've read in a while, and grammatically, I am so bored with it. I am regretting seeing the movie first, as well. Now that I have seen the movie, It's almost like the book is backwards and upside down to me. I started it when I wrote about the movie, of which, I still feel the same way, in fact, I feel stronger about it. Now, I am on page 307. I am so addicted, it is still in my hands!


Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! I know, I LOVE the series!! I just got back from buying the last two books in the series! I can drop off book #2 tomorrow if you want?

Rayanna said...

Cool. YES! Please do!