Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am a big girl.

I am a big girl, I am a big girl, I will not complain... I'll try not to complain, I WILL complain!
My article, once again, did not get published in the school paper. I am about to quit. It takes too much time, and I won't make a single difference in my resume.
My stomach hurts once again. Yesterday, I had almost no pain all day, then I had an ultrasound to see if they could find out what was wrong with me. It came out clear. Which means, I will have to get blood drawn, if the pain doesn't go away. It hasn't. My doctor is an IDIOT!! He asks me the same questions they asked me the last time I went in, which is two days ago lately, understandable, whatever! But then, when I told him that I was not happy with knowing I might* have to get blood drawn, he tells me that I am 1 out of 2 people out of like, 700 kids between the ages of 12-21 that are afraid of needles. HOW IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER? So, I told him that I am NOT afraid of needles, it's the pain I HATE! It is like he has never seen me before, and I have had him since I was four! The nurses, except one, are IDIOTS! They are rude, and obnoxious, and NEW! Everyone in that office is NEW! No one knows what they are doing. Needless to say, we are switching doctors as soon as my stomach problems go away.
*Most likely
~Rayanna(aka the big girl who complains)~


Anonymous said...

Tell them to use the pediatric needle when they draw blood-that's what Lia does bc it hurts her too. It's this tiny tiny baby needle, maybe that won't hurt you as much? My problem w/ bloodwork is SEEING the blood, then I faint or puke, always one or the other!

Rayanna said...

Thanks. I will.