Sunday, November 23, 2008

Not Just dirt anymore!

We officially have a fire hydrant. A real, metal, shiny, red fire hydrant. Even Pete is excited to get out of our postage stamp town house and have a new place to Whizz!
For those of you who have not visited the town house in a while, I have to mention, it has taken a year but we have officially outgrown it. John had to step into the closet to change his mind. He found a bathroom.
I am not sure if it is the knowing our time here is becoming short or our patience getting short but there is a lot of grumbling. John grumbles when he smashes his toe on the excessive amounts of furniture. Rayanna grumbles when Buddy is anywhere near her. Yes that is all the time. Buddy grumbles when he can't find one of his toys because something has been set on top of it. I think even the animals are taking turns in the kitchen getting something to eat. Me well lets just say I do not make beans for John anymore.
I am so happy that my brother, his wife and three children are coming. After spending 12 hours in a minivan they will just be glad to be here. Untill Rob smashes his toe. I think we will need to spend a lot of time at my moms. I wish I was in the house so they could come and be comfortable.
John has banned me from Craig's list as we have no more room to put anything. Man he takes the fun out of everything. I am not even sure where to put the Christmas tree.
Needless to say I am happy about a damn fire hydrant. We officially have roads (no street signs) and we are supposed to be meeting with the builder at the end of the month. We are waiting on the permits from the town. John says he is going to get me a basement for Christmas. They better get moving or he will be shoveling. Well gotta go buy cheese and tohkey for my five year old niece. For those of you who do not understand a North Carolina accent that means turkey.


Rayanna said...

Nice Mom. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Yay! beans...that's funny!

Glad you are getting to spend time w/ family this week!

Gilda's person said...

And where was the "real, metal, shiny red fire hydrant" made?