Sunday, November 30, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

The cousins left yesterday.
Friday night, we went to see BOLT: The BORING super dog. I don't know how it happened that I saw the best movie ever, and the worst in the same day.... Anyway, I give Bolt a 2, the lowest rating ever. It was funny, but mostly predictable. It's about a dog,(duh,) that runs away, meets some... different characters, and from the word "predictable," I am sure you can guess what happens. Total waste of two hours. BORING! And no, I am not biased since I saw my favorite movie in the same day.

Friday, November 28, 2008

I haven't posted in a whole day! OH NO!

I am horribly addicted to reading New Moon, the second book in the Twilight series. Time has managed to slip away faster than ever with the cousins here. We didn't go see Twilight again yet. I am anxiously waiting for 1:00 to come, then we are leaving to see it, for my second time. It should be fun.
I feel very antisocial because I am reading so much and time is passing quickly. I have also figured out why I don't read too much. I get inspired. A little too much. I am gonna try to write a book, I will most likely fail, like always, but I figure if a Morman mom can write a New York Times Best seller in 3 months, I could write one in a couple years... I guess. I have an idea for a story, and I have been DYING to write. I do not wish to share, just yet anyway.
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Chiropractor and other random stuff

Today, I went to my very first Chiropractor appointment! It was weird. I felt better, a little uncomfortable, but not in pain. It didn't fix my stomach problems, however, but it might not take effect until tomorrow.
I finished the Twilight book last night at midnight.... My cousins are here from NC. I am going to see Twilight for the second time tonight.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Twilight:the book

Despite it's uneventful, bland writing(grammatically), I CANNOT put it down. It is so addictive. It's the first book I've read in a while, and grammatically, I am so bored with it. I am regretting seeing the movie first, as well. Now that I have seen the movie, It's almost like the book is backwards and upside down to me. I started it when I wrote about the movie, of which, I still feel the same way, in fact, I feel stronger about it. Now, I am on page 307. I am so addicted, it is still in my hands!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Not Just dirt anymore!

We officially have a fire hydrant. A real, metal, shiny, red fire hydrant. Even Pete is excited to get out of our postage stamp town house and have a new place to Whizz!
For those of you who have not visited the town house in a while, I have to mention, it has taken a year but we have officially outgrown it. John had to step into the closet to change his mind. He found a bathroom.
I am not sure if it is the knowing our time here is becoming short or our patience getting short but there is a lot of grumbling. John grumbles when he smashes his toe on the excessive amounts of furniture. Rayanna grumbles when Buddy is anywhere near her. Yes that is all the time. Buddy grumbles when he can't find one of his toys because something has been set on top of it. I think even the animals are taking turns in the kitchen getting something to eat. Me well lets just say I do not make beans for John anymore.
I am so happy that my brother, his wife and three children are coming. After spending 12 hours in a minivan they will just be glad to be here. Untill Rob smashes his toe. I think we will need to spend a lot of time at my moms. I wish I was in the house so they could come and be comfortable.
John has banned me from Craig's list as we have no more room to put anything. Man he takes the fun out of everything. I am not even sure where to put the Christmas tree.
Needless to say I am happy about a damn fire hydrant. We officially have roads (no street signs) and we are supposed to be meeting with the builder at the end of the month. We are waiting on the permits from the town. John says he is going to get me a basement for Christmas. They better get moving or he will be shoveling. Well gotta go buy cheese and tohkey for my five year old niece. For those of you who do not understand a North Carolina accent that means turkey.

My Dream World

I wouldn't all be M&Ms and Homework free passes, although those would be bountiful.
In my world, there would be no politics to fight over, but a good government.
Everyone would get a chance to be fed and educated.
There would be a social division, but by choice- educated vs. uneducated.
There would be no pain caused by dentists, doctors, or accidents that weren't your fault.
Everyone would know about current events, at least in their area.
And most of all, there would be NO undeserving parents, or ungrateful children.
I know that most of these are impossible, actually, all of them are, that's why it's my dream world.
Oh, and I would be an extremely talented movie star- like Alexis Bledel!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twiglight Movie Review- November

This movie is off the charts good. This is an infintity rated movie. I have never watched a movie that made me shake, let alone one that made me shake until this very moment, fifteen minutes after my ride home. I went to see this magnificent movie with Alica, at YaYaStuff. I expect she will be doing a movie review as well.
Bella, a social out cast at her new school, is as pale as a ghost. Edward, is an outcast, and has been a vampire since 1918. Edward, unfortunatly, is not a "hot" as the book describes. Bella falls in love with Edward, and learns about him, and his family. This forbidden love, written my Stephenie Meyer, is one that you will never forget. This forbidden love, brings danger to Bella, and everyone around her. There is nothing to spill. I have spoiled nothing for you. This is a movie, that you will be begging for more, that will make you come back to the movie theater, just to see that their love will not go away. I have not read the book, Alicia has shared with me the details I missed. I'll admit, questionable girls were excited about this, and saw it Thursday at midnight. I would go back to the movie theater again and again, and I have never felt this way about a movie, at least not one that I didn't want to see in the begining. It is an intense, thrilling, romantic, suspensful, beautifully directed moive. The PG-13 rating should NOT keep you from taking your young children. I found this is a cross between Juno, Moonlight, and I am Legend, just in action. I love this movie. There will never be another movie that touches me enough to give such a high rating. It is worth $100,000,000,000. Just for one viewing. I strongly reccomend it.


I love your blog, Alicia! This is a good time to thank all my blog readers for putting up with my nonsense, complaining, and high school topics! Happy Almost Thanksgiving!



My high-school musical is Showboat! I have no idea what the musical is about, but I am trying out in two weeks. I am nervous because I have to have a southern accent, and I don't have one, yet, Freshman almost never get cast, and it seems like almost every character gets kissed in the musical. Good thing the High school doesn't do real kisses! I am so excited! I had a great time in last year's musical: Alice in Wonderland and I am hoping this will turn out the same! The rehearsals are demanding with 3:15-4 on Monday through Friday, depending on character, and mandatory Tuesday and Thursday 7:30-9, but my skills I learned last year will help me Tune in to the blog next month to find out if I've made it!

Friday, November 21, 2008

This is hard. Topic: Ghost Whisperer

This is hard, to talk about a show, that people might not have seen yet, and not spoil it. I will try my hardest.
During school, I talk to my teachers, they are good listeners, and they watch Ghost Whisperer. Now, despite my bad experience with a teacher last year who watched the show, It's not my fault she has good taste in TV but bad taste in behavior towards kind students (Not just me).
Okay, so a member of the cast was killed two weeks ago. Then, last week's episode was straightening out the cast member's killer, it was mainly a filler-episode* and was quite off topic. Now, things can't get much worse for Melinda (the show's main character) who is dealing with the loss of a loved one. This episode can't get much worse than last week's, so I am quite excited yet again.
* an episode that just filled in minor cracks in the story, mostly a waste of a much anticipated show.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Death of A Freshman Writer

I know I am a good writer, otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this. I will not stop writing. Just stop writing for the newspaper. I have sent in my last article for the paper. What is the point if all I do is waste my time and never get published. Editors aren't supposed to write articles- conflict of interest. Well, I looked through the paper that came out yesterday, guess what! ALL EDITORS! One contributer. When you beg for people to write for the paper almost daily on the PA system, but don't publish ANY freshman articles, how seriesously are we supposed to take you? I have quit writing for the newspaper. It won't make a difference on my resume, and it is just like homework-where you can't put ANY of your own thoughts into it.
On a lighter note, we have a half day tomorrow, and the funny part is, I have study halls for 1/2 the time at school. Or is that 1/4 of the time? I don't know. I have 2/4 of the 4 classes I have tomorrow are study halls. SWEET. With nothing to do, not much.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am a big girl.

I am a big girl, I am a big girl, I will not complain... I'll try not to complain, I WILL complain!
My article, once again, did not get published in the school paper. I am about to quit. It takes too much time, and I won't make a single difference in my resume.
My stomach hurts once again. Yesterday, I had almost no pain all day, then I had an ultrasound to see if they could find out what was wrong with me. It came out clear. Which means, I will have to get blood drawn, if the pain doesn't go away. It hasn't. My doctor is an IDIOT!! He asks me the same questions they asked me the last time I went in, which is two days ago lately, understandable, whatever! But then, when I told him that I was not happy with knowing I might* have to get blood drawn, he tells me that I am 1 out of 2 people out of like, 700 kids between the ages of 12-21 that are afraid of needles. HOW IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER? So, I told him that I am NOT afraid of needles, it's the pain I HATE! It is like he has never seen me before, and I have had him since I was four! The nurses, except one, are IDIOTS! They are rude, and obnoxious, and NEW! Everyone in that office is NEW! No one knows what they are doing. Needless to say, we are switching doctors as soon as my stomach problems go away.
*Most likely
~Rayanna(aka the big girl who complains)~

Sunday, November 16, 2008


For those of you who do not know, for some reason, I like Canada, mostly because I have seen it twice, but have never set foot on it, and they have awesome bacon(even if it is just ham). Anyway, last night, I had a dream. It involved a tour bus going to Canada, with all of my 9th grade friends (they're some good people). The driver, is the guy from the Extreme Makeover:Home Edition. I asked him why he was driving our bus to Canada, instead of a normal bus driver, and his reply was "There was a dent in the limo." I replied to that insane statement with "Okay, so why are you driving US?" He said that he had a show they were filming in the next week, their bus wasn't big enough (for those of you who haven't seen this show, they place a bus in front of the finished house), and the bus driver who was supposed to drive us paid him 10 dollars to just "go." Then... the weirdest thing happened... guess what it was.... I WOKE UP!!

There would be a Movie Review here, but...

Okay, so for those of you who do not know, I have been undergoing some stomach issues. It's not contagious, but I am also VERY VERY tired. It feels like I have fallen asleep whenever we spend "family together-ness" time. Well, there would be a movie review of Kung Fu Panda, or Incredible Hulk, but, when the power went out last night, it was 6:30, I was tired and I didn't want to watch Incredible Hulk. I feel asleep at my Grandma's house, then, at 10:30, we went home and decided to watch Kung Fu Panda. I heard horrible reviews about Kung Fu Panda, I wanted to watch it, but I feel asleep 10 minutes into it. Dad says that Icredible Hulk was good, and Kung Fu Panda was funny and awsome. Incredible Hulk, I rated a 2, from what he said, and Kung Fu Panda a 4.5, because it was funny. Funny movies rock.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Really uneventful

I have nothing of much sense to post in one post so, here's what you missed if you don't live in our house....
1. The have paved our development, which means they can really start working now, but they are back working on a sidewalk for another development by us.
2. I had a paper due in English on Thursday about a personal topic. I wrote about Piper's first day home.
3. My English teacher says I am smart enough to be a senior... thanks... but I'll pass! LOL!
4. I have been to the doctors' office TWICE this week, and I HATE doctors. I have been experience some extreme, random stomach pain.
5. I am forced to put certain commas into my papers for English, and now I am putting them in whenever I write! AH!
6. High school is stressful
7. Cat fight in school Friday morning, EVERYBODY knew about it by lunch.
8. I think we are watching a movie tonight
9. Stay tuned next week to find out what I think about my first AP world project grade.
10. My grade average is 94.08!
11. Look for a movie review next week

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November (a.k.a. Month of many movie reviews)

It is true, as it stands, there will be many movie reviews this month.
Today's is... GET SMART.
Get Smart has an extremely slow rising action. However, that doesn't mean it was a terrible begining, it is quite important.
The movie involves secret agents who are forced to work together and don't like it, but they do get the job done. This movie goes from a snoozer to an edge-of-your-seat exciting action/drama movie. I rate this movie a 4, which I believe is the highest rated movie since Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. But of course, these movies only have one thing in common. Watch it to find out! Its only an 1 1/2 hours! What do you have to lose?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Somehow, I missed Friday

Okay, so Friday was good. I can't really remember what we did, but we did watch Ghost Whisperer. We watch this show every Friday, it is sort of a family ritual. This episode was very depressing, despite the fact that we knew what was going to happen. This weeks episode: we found out the missing shadow... I am NOT telling you who....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Jonas Sodas

Okay, so yes, they are called "Jones Sodas," but doesn't "Jonas Sodas" sound SOO much better? Well anyway, we had the sodas a LONG time ago, just about the time we started this blog, maybe before. It was 10:00 at night and we got them for a change in beverages. There is a total of 48 grams of sugar PER SERVING in those things, and you could so tell when we drank them. We were at Target and saw these 'Jones Sodas Carbinated Candies,' and because they were on sale, we bought some. Wow! They are SOUR!! The sodas were NOT that sour! The vanilla candies tasted like astrunaut ice cream. This was a weird experience that I thought you would like to know about that just because its on sale, DOESN'T mean you have to buy it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

When sisters are a decade apart

I went over to my best friends house, who is one of 4 girls, her younger sister, is a decade away from her. I would find it difficult to have a 4 year old running around the house 24-7. But, she had come to live with it. Tonight, at her birthday(attendants: Me), the girls (and I, sometimes) played basket ball like in an arcade. It was so funny to have my friend giving her sister points to make her win, while I was pointing it out, and her goin "Shh." I had a wonderful time tonight at the party.
P.S. Oh MY GOD it is getting cold! And, in AP on Friday, I learned that Christianity originated from Judism. Kind of ironic, with the Holocaust isn't it?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I've been picked...eww.

7 random things about me:

1. I love writing for my school newspaper-despite the stress when my article doesn't get published...

2. I LOVE "Family Together-ness" nights.

3. I LOVE having perfect friends.

4. I HATE having tests with NO warning-even if I do get a 100 on them.

5. I HATE not getting big papers back within the week they are due.

6. I don't like it very much when people take my stuff.

7. I HATE it when people pick at themselves because they think there is something wrong with them when they are perfect just the way they are.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Random Political Thoughts from a 14 year old

There was many near-fist-fight debates today about presidential elections.
There was the "GO OBAMA"s, the "Obama's a terrorist!"s, the "Vote Nator and say 'the heck with it!'"s, the "Vote McCain, he was a P.O.W." and etc. Oh, my god. I am SOOO happy that all this political (insert word of choice is here) is OVER!! Society is pulled apart person by person, and it's not fun.
How come there is Donkey for Democrat (REALLY bad choice...) and the elephants for republicans, but NOTHING for the Independents?!?
Politics is choosing the lesser of 2 (or more on Super Tuesday's case) evils.
Too much drama this close to the holidays!
Why do the presidents change in late January?!?
Why do the polls take so long?
That's all I got for my random political ya guys!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Back pain (a.k.a. OUCH)

Okay, so even with today's day and age, we have even heavier backpacks. Dad and I were talking, and he said, in high school, he only needed 3 SMALL binders!
"How is that even possible," I asked.
"Folders," he says... FOLDERS!
For today's classes, you need AT LEAST 5 binders(Math, science, English, Social Studies, Foreign Language)!! AND folders- at least 4! The composition notebooks that we only use 5 pages of, pencils, paper, pens, highlighters, 5 pound textbooks, and it all HAS to go back and forth!!! Not that we don't need pens, paper, highlighters, and pencils, but come ON! They keep buying these text book on CD dealy-os, but they NEVER work! So we, young, little students, suffer severe back and shoulder pain with the back and forth of the supplies. Then, our doctors can't give us medication to deal with this pain, no, we'd get too used to it, and get an ulcer, and DIE! Oh, please! And you would think the pain would go away, or get better, and it does, on a weekend- by Sunday! Just in time for the pain to start all over again and worse this time! I liked it in kindergarten, when we had cubbies, to keep our pencils, paper, 1 folder, and an agenda. I'm sorry for my little rampage. In case you don't know, or don't care, or are having a blond moment, I don't deal with pain well, AT ALL. But when a 30-something year old picks up a 14 year-old's back pack and darn near falls over, that is a problem!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What's up with movies these days?

Okay, so there are SOOOOO many re-dos of movies lately! Prom Night, pretty much every mix-it-up disney movie, etc. What the Heck!!! It's the same with games! It's all been done, new theme or not... and who needs over 10000 different types of Monopoly? GEEZ!