Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Summer fading into... school!

Hello, my favorite blog readers. Now, anyone who has ever been or had a kid who has been at school, you should know that you have to got to the 'see the school and get a hold of it before you come for classes' meeting, the 'open house,' and every other meeting for that sort of thing. The first one was last night for me. There was giggles from friends that haven't seen each other in 8 weeks. Excitement and fear filled the air. So many students, and so little space! I fixed my schedule, walked my classes, put all of my stuff in my locker, and we went home. It was fun, but it was also scary, new kids, upperclassmen, ect. I am SOOO excited!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Still more Darien Lake

As the girl child said in a previous post, we went to Darien Lake Amusement Park last Saturday. A great time seemed to be had by all, but I am still ticked about one thing: the last 2 times I have graced Darien Lake with my presence and my dollars, the "Ride of Steel" (formerly known as "Superman: Ride of Steel") was not working! I guess it's a good thing we are going to Cedar Point, the Mecca of roller coaster enthusiasts (17 roller coasters and counting)!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Darien Lake

Lately, there have been quite a few deaths of STUPID people at amusement parks- particularly- Six Flags Amusement Parks all over the country-by the roller coasters. But, it's not their fault, people are stupid. For example- a kid was decapitated by a roller coaster when he was retrieving his hat-despite the signs telling not to. $20 hat or your life??? I chose- LEAVE THE HAT THERE!!!!
Now the reason I put this in the blog, is to prove my point in a previous blog, and we went to Darien Lake Yesterday, which used to be a 6 flags park. The roller coasters were fast, dangerous if you were where you weren't supposed to be... but no signs of death around.... Just really sore feet!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Today, we went to the Renaissance Festival- for a family day trip. There were funny shows, amazing characters, cool shops, and Caricature. Caricature is a cartoon drawing, made to look like you as anything you want... usually these are pretty expensive, but here they weren't! So, because I have been wanting one done forever, I got one done! I had to wait ONE HOUR in line, 10 minutes for the guy to draw it, and 20 minutes to color it, but it was worth it. They drew (and colored) me as "Rayanna: The Moose Elf Queen." They have been doing this all over since early 1990(!!!)... and he had NEVER drawn a moose in a Caricature before! He looked at me funny when I told him what I wanted, but he told me why after I got it! It is AMAZING!!!! I LOVE it, and it was sooo worth it.
Oh yeah... and stuff not about me... we had a ton of fun, until we got mini concussions by (NO JOKE) ICE CUBE sized hail!!!!!!! You could see everybody at the fair in the little shops for shelter, and it was silent- except from the screams of the stupid people not in shelter getting concussions!


My mom says she's never met a kid like me.... I HATE summer, not because it's hot, sticky, and it's eight weeks off, but because it's boring to just hang around the house, not learn anything, and forget the stuff you just learned.
I would rather have it, so that instead of a whole eight weeks of summer, we had something like, I don't know.... yes I do! 3 day weekends!!!!! Even with school all year round (I'm not that crazy!) the 3 day weekends would make it worth it or at least closer.
But of course, I am also one of those kids that:
  1. has fantastic grades
  2. would NEVER even think of skipping school
  3. has friends at school
  4. is intelligent

I have never, and will never see the other side of the opinion if you don't POST A COMMENT!!

**Oh, and something my mom doesn't know-- her mother was the same way!**


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pipes! Yay!

Finally, the long awaited pipes are going in. They have dug the storm run-off (pond) and have begun puting the extremely large manhole piping into the ground. There are (some-what) new green pipes that are we guess are the sewage pipes down by the pond, but more inland, that keep slowly disapearing. Plus, two days ago, the blue water pipes arrived and are slowly moving from the road. This is exciting- mostly because we have been wating since this past november- but because we are that much closer to them actually building!
You see, first they put all the pipes for the begining in, then the electrical, then the road, then they start building the house!

Friday, August 1, 2008

August Movie Review *Not a spoiler*

Will Smith as Hancock,is a superhero who's actions have consequences in the real world, goes from a man with powers to a man who knows how to use those powers. I give this movie a three star rating.
Having forgotten his name, he goes by Hancock- after being asked for his "John Hancock." He was "born" on an alien planet where the alien is built with one pair. Whenever he finds the one for him, they both lose their powers and become vulnerable to fatal wounds.
This is an good movie for more mature families with older children due to it's PG-13 rating- plus it is rather short at only 93 minutes.
One of the reasons I found this movie not as good as the last, is that it was almost like it was a sequel, and that if you didn't see the first movie, you won't get it. Although, eventually, you do get the information.