Sunday, November 16, 2008

There would be a Movie Review here, but...

Okay, so for those of you who do not know, I have been undergoing some stomach issues. It's not contagious, but I am also VERY VERY tired. It feels like I have fallen asleep whenever we spend "family together-ness" time. Well, there would be a movie review of Kung Fu Panda, or Incredible Hulk, but, when the power went out last night, it was 6:30, I was tired and I didn't want to watch Incredible Hulk. I feel asleep at my Grandma's house, then, at 10:30, we went home and decided to watch Kung Fu Panda. I heard horrible reviews about Kung Fu Panda, I wanted to watch it, but I feel asleep 10 minutes into it. Dad says that Icredible Hulk was good, and Kung Fu Panda was funny and awsome. Incredible Hulk, I rated a 2, from what he said, and Kung Fu Panda a 4.5, because it was funny. Funny movies rock.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope they find out what is going on soon so you can get rid of the pain. :(

Rayanna said...

Thank you. I am doing well for now. ME TOO! LOL!