Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Chiropractor and other random stuff

Today, I went to my very first Chiropractor appointment! It was weird. I felt better, a little uncomfortable, but not in pain. It didn't fix my stomach problems, however, but it might not take effect until tomorrow.
I finished the Twilight book last night at midnight.... My cousins are here from NC. I am going to see Twilight for the second time tonight.


Anonymous said...

What?? You're seeing Twilight tonight???!!!

Didn't you love the book?!?!?!?!!?

I've never been to a chiropractore. Was it weird??

Wow, I just realized I REALLY like to use punctuation.!?;':"!?

Rayanna said...

Well, we got side tracked, now we are going tonight, or maybe tomorrow night....
Not really, it was a lot longer than it could have been, good topic, boring writing. I don't usually like books written in the 1st person. I don't know why.
It sounded weird, and now I kind of feel like I ran a mile, but just pain wise-not bad.