Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twiglight Movie Review- November

This movie is off the charts good. This is an infintity rated movie. I have never watched a movie that made me shake, let alone one that made me shake until this very moment, fifteen minutes after my ride home. I went to see this magnificent movie with Alica, at YaYaStuff. I expect she will be doing a movie review as well.
Bella, a social out cast at her new school, is as pale as a ghost. Edward, is an outcast, and has been a vampire since 1918. Edward, unfortunatly, is not a "hot" as the book describes. Bella falls in love with Edward, and learns about him, and his family. This forbidden love, written my Stephenie Meyer, is one that you will never forget. This forbidden love, brings danger to Bella, and everyone around her. There is nothing to spill. I have spoiled nothing for you. This is a movie, that you will be begging for more, that will make you come back to the movie theater, just to see that their love will not go away. I have not read the book, Alicia has shared with me the details I missed. I'll admit, questionable girls were excited about this, and saw it Thursday at midnight. I would go back to the movie theater again and again, and I have never felt this way about a movie, at least not one that I didn't want to see in the begining. It is an intense, thrilling, romantic, suspensful, beautifully directed moive. The PG-13 rating should NOT keep you from taking your young children. I found this is a cross between Juno, Moonlight, and I am Legend, just in action. I love this movie. There will never be another movie that touches me enough to give such a high rating. It is worth $100,000,000,000. Just for one viewing. I strongly reccomend it.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
I'm still so excited we just saw this!!!! I just wrote my review too!
Whoo hoo!

Unknown said...

Copy Cat! I am just kidding! It was WORTH writing a review for!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see it again!

Rayanna said...


Grand Pooba said...

Stopping by from Yaya's. I too LOVED the movie.

However I believe Edward is a babe and you can't convince me otherwise :)

Great review! I agree!