Saturday, September 20, 2008

BEE population- Down one more!

Bees are aggressive this time of year. Last summer, I don't know if they still are, but last summer, they were complaining that the bee population is depleting. Well, no would give a CRAP if bees didn't have something to do with the 90% of our diet that they do, but they do, so we care, well maybe you care, but I DON'T. Well, anyway, enough blabbing. I haven't been stung by a bee in like 6 years, and as time goes on, I think that it hurt less and less as it did. Well, I got stung today, and it HURT! I was screaming in the Grocery store parking lot. I was carrying a bag, and it hitched a ride. I didn't have a problem with that, they work hard, they should be able to do that, until they sting you. I didn't know it was there, but I put the bag in the car, and the bee stung me. I jerked my had away as fast as humanly possible and it was stunned. It fell (with style) to the ground and laid there, I don't think the bee was smart enough to know that we could kill it if it didn't fly away. My dad stomped on it, and killed it (hints the title). We got into the car and rushed over to my grandparents' house- which is closer to the grocery store than ours, and I got some ice. But it tingled, it stung, and the pain was unbelievable. It hurts worse than a booster shot, or a tetness shot the next hour, it hurts more than breaking you arm, and I know all of these by experience. It still hurts and it was TWO hours ago! Even with two aspirin in my system it hurts just as much as it did before. It got me HARD. It bled, but not enough for a band-aid. The red drop of blood disappeared an hour ago, and it's like it never happened, except for the pain.... Why do bee stings never even scab? The stinger didn't get stuck- THANK GOD! I would have died! And it always helps that it was on my ring finger, right into my vein that goes from my finger to my heart, so it hurts all the way to my elbow. Sorry this post is soo long for a freakin' bee sting, but I thought it was important.... Then my mom worries why I said she's never getting more than one grand baby from me when I cry for half an hour over a bee sting....


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, they sure do hurt! (knock on wood) I didn't get stung this year, but the summer before this one I got stung something like 5-7 times and IT HURT! I don't remember it hurting like that when i was a kid. maybe those bees have evolved into having a more vicious sting!
Side story-"S" at work asks Becky recently what pollination was and Becky started rambling about the bees and the flowers and yada yada yada, going on and on. Then "S" cuts her off and says, "So, basically what you're saying is, we need bees....just not when they sting us". So, yup, that's the definition of pollination in the eyes of a 6-yr-old, Lol!

Rayanna said...


Gilda's person said...

Rainie is whining again.

Rayanna said...

MEANIE!! (A. Candy, not you yaya!)