There are 2 little specs at each edge of the picture. Those are the kids standing on what we think will be our property lines. The tire tracks behind the car (across the street) are about where our driveway will be. The tree line you see is about 1/2 way back on our property. All together, we will have 0.829 acres, over half of that will be trees. The great thing about our trees is that they are not in a conservation area. In other words, if we decided we wanted to clear-cut our whole lot from front to back, we could. The only repercussions we might suffer would be picketing by Greenpeace or any of the other assorted environmentalist whackos out there today. Note to environmentalist wackos: We have absolutely NO intention of clear-cutting our lot. The above example was given for illustrative purposes only.
We are the first people to buy a lot in this development. They have only graded the roads so far and marked the approximate lot locations, but on a drive by this evening, we saw the beginnings of the infrastructure (I suspect they were manholes for sewer and water lines, but I'm no expert). Because we bought before they have even laid the roads, sewer, water, gas, phone, and cable lines, this should take an unusually long time to build. We hope to move in somewhere around April 2009.
Marianne says she likes this view the best and that we have the most beautiful dirt she's ever seen (and a lot of it).
That's awesome!!! Congratulations!
"we saw the beginnings of the infrastructure (I suspect they were manholes for sewer and water lines, but I'm no expert)"
Either that or you already have some big freakin' moles. You might want to have that checked out.
Beautiful home!
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