Sunday, December 7, 2008

A(n) ___________ time of year

Christmas. Usually a jolly time of year. NOT when you have a Salvation Army bell ringing in your ear every time you leave the house. I saw a commercial for them, and remembered last year... ugg. As I recall, they were low on their expectation meter, so they got cops to pull people over on the street and BEG for money! I totally understand that there are needy people that need help to have a Christmas worth living for. But come on. Really, how much of the money actually helps those who need it MOST. And how much of it really goes to the lazy sons of guns that sit on their butts while they could be working. Then the commercial just irks me because their motto is "Doing the most good." COME ON! Harassing people in the holiday isn't gonna make them feel good about dropping an extra dollar in the annoying bell ringer's red tins!
*** House Update*** We have our "Pre-construction Meeting" on the 19th. We are excited. I can't wait for our new house! It just doesn't feel like Christmas here. The presents, the dinner, the family, the time off from school, the cold, the ice, the accidents, the snow days, it all feels like Christmas, but, it just doesn't feel warm, and fuzzy, and you can't smell the cinnamon. I probably feel this way because we are still deciding where to put the Christmas tree in our shoe box.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, seriously, if you put money in those things every single time in and out of store you'd be broke!

Rayanna said...
