Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Random Political Thoughts from a 14 year old

There was many near-fist-fight debates today about presidential elections.
There was the "GO OBAMA"s, the "Obama's a terrorist!"s, the "Vote Nator and say 'the heck with it!'"s, the "Vote McCain, he was a P.O.W." and etc. Oh, my god. I am SOOO happy that all this political (insert word of choice is here) is OVER!! Society is pulled apart person by person, and it's not fun.
How come there is Donkey for Democrat (REALLY bad choice...) and the elephants for republicans, but NOTHING for the Independents?!?
Politics is choosing the lesser of 2 (or more on Super Tuesday's case) evils.
Too much drama this close to the holidays!
Why do the presidents change in late January?!?
Why do the polls take so long?
That's all I got for my random political thoughts...love ya guys!


Anonymous said...

Yeah....politics...my least favorite thing.

Rayanna said...

Yeah, mine too. I lOVE your new blog!