Sunday, August 10, 2008


My mom says she's never met a kid like me.... I HATE summer, not because it's hot, sticky, and it's eight weeks off, but because it's boring to just hang around the house, not learn anything, and forget the stuff you just learned.
I would rather have it, so that instead of a whole eight weeks of summer, we had something like, I don't know.... yes I do! 3 day weekends!!!!! Even with school all year round (I'm not that crazy!) the 3 day weekends would make it worth it or at least closer.
But of course, I am also one of those kids that:
  1. has fantastic grades
  2. would NEVER even think of skipping school
  3. has friends at school
  4. is intelligent

I have never, and will never see the other side of the opinion if you don't POST A COMMENT!!

**Oh, and something my mom doesn't know-- her mother was the same way!**



Anonymous said...

Yeah, I loved school too, but more for the structure and social aspects! And, well, the love of learning too! I miss not being in school anymore because I just love learning new things!

Gilda's person said...

You're Aunt was that way too about school. So you get if from both sides of the family.