Here is the most recent picture I have:

I haven't taken a picture from this perspective since Thursday, but Friday they fixed the dining room windows (1st floor, left side) so that they line up with the windows on Ranney's room (2nd floor, left side).
Now we are down to battling over the front door. It is supposed to be centered on the front of the house. You can't tell from the picture, but the front door needs to move 2 inches to the left. Yes, Marianne and I noticed. I measured just to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. The foundation for the porch is perfect and the door (and the porch roof...and the center 2nd floor window) are NOT centered. So, like I said, we are battling to get that fixed right.
I will try to be better about posting for those of you who are miles, or even an ocean away.